St. Henry’s Catholic Church at Devon and Ridge


St. Henry's Catholic Church

St. Henry’s Catholic Church, now Angel Guardian Croatian Church at 6346 N. Ridge Avenue was built in 1905. It features Franz Mayer and F. X. Zettler stained glass windows.

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4 responses to “St. Henry’s Catholic Church at Devon and Ridge”

  1. john muno says:

    the cemetery has many of the muno family buried there – my first cousin Robert Muno Rueckheim ( cracker jack boy ) is buried there . the Muno Family were one of the original parishiners of the church .

  2. Victoria Wall says:

    I am trying to find out information about a Caherine Penning who was adopted by a John and Catherine Schimberg on Oct 16, 1907. That is my grandmother and I am searching of information about her life .

  3. Victoria Wall says:

    so I miss spelled her name it is Catherine Penning.

  4. joseph Shaffer says:

    I visited the cemetery in 1980 when I found it was where the Cracker Jack boy was buried. As I recall the gravesite was up against a brick wall with an engraving of the boy and Bingo (Russel) on the wall. It now appears that young Reuckheim’s stone has been moved. Am I
    “misremembering”? Thank you.

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