St. Henry’s Catholic Church at Devon and Ridge
4 commentsSt. Henry’s Catholic Church, now Angel Guardian Croatian Church at 6346 N. Ridge Avenue was built in 1905. It features Franz Mayer and F. X. Zettler stained glass windows.
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the cemetery has many of the muno family buried there – my first cousin Robert Muno Rueckheim ( cracker jack boy ) is buried there . the Muno Family were one of the original parishiners of the church .
I am trying to find out information about a Caherine Penning who was adopted by a John and Catherine Schimberg on Oct 16, 1907. That is my grandmother and I am searching of information about her life .
so I miss spelled her name it is Catherine Penning.
I visited the cemetery in 1980 when I found it was where the Cracker Jack boy was buried. As I recall the gravesite was up against a brick wall with an engraving of the boy and Bingo (Russel) on the wall. It now appears that young Reuckheim’s stone has been moved. Am I
“misremembering”? Thank you.