Get to Know an ‘L’ Station: Racine

[Jacob Kolar/Chicago Patterns]
About the Branch
When the CTA was established in October 1947, it took over a large network of train lines, as well as bus and streetcar services. Most of the train lines were elevated with the exception of the recently finished State Street Subway and the still-under-construction Dearborn Street Subway. Facing the Auto Age and the increasing suburbanization of the United States, they moved quickly on several cost-cutting measures, such as closing entire branches of train lines and converting streetcars to buses.

[Jacob Kolar/Chicago Patterns]
In some ways, the original vision of the branch has faltered. The California, Central, and Kostner stations have since been closed and a few of the auxiliary entrances have as well, which has diminished the connectivity to the neighborhoods it serves. The second train track, meant to offer express service, has never been built. Nonetheless, the transportation corridor idea proved successful to the point that train lines were later built in the median of the Dan Ryan Expressway and the Kennedy Expressway.

[Jacob Kolar/Chicago Patterns]
Racine is a great example of the original design aesthetic employed from UIC-Halsted all the way to Forest Park. Glazed brick in an eggshell blue color, popular in new construction American kitchens at the time, is used for exterior cladding. Glazed block of the exact same color is used for the interior at both Racine and Loomis. Staggered glass blocks allow light to enter the station house.
In an effort to provide some variety, different bricks were used for different stations. The California and Cicero stops make use of the same color as Racine, while other stations employ cladding in a cream color. In Oak Park, stations received brown brick without glazing and auxiliary entrances were constructed of only glass and steel.

[Chicago Transit Authority collection]

[Jacob Kolar/Chicago Patterns]

[Jacob Kolar/Chicago Patterns]
Since opening, UIC-Halsted and most recently Illinois Medical District are the only stations on this branch to have received significant updates, which has resulted in a well-preserved group of stations. In particular, Racine’s location in between these two education and employment hubs has likely resulted in a lack of investment, allowing the station to maintain the majority of its 1950’s design features. This has also resulted in the aforementioned cracked concrete and flaking paint, as well as rusting steel, and other issues that come with deferred maintenance.
The stations are in the tenuous position of being too old to be considered ‘contemporary’ and too young to be considered ‘historic’, which results in occasional calls for their replacement. Rather than this, the CTA might consider respectful renovation, which will cost less and preserve the delightfully mid-century aesthetic of the Forest Park branch.
Writer’s Tip
Exit at Racine on an empty stomach and go south to Polk. Walk east until you reach Carpenter, then be prepared to make a difficult decision: a delicious Italian beef at Carm’s or a world-class Italian sub at Fontano’s.
References and Further Reading:
- Racine (
- Monthly Ridership Report, March 2018 (, PDF)
Excellent research on the Racine station. The midcentury CTA logo in stainless steel still appears facing west on the station at Wabash and Randolph, Washington or Madison (not sure). The wavy grillwork is a truss, a strong component used in construction. Consider an article on Metro Correctional Center by Harry Weese in 1975. It is at Jackson and Clark. I am a 15+ year docent at Chicago Architecture Center.
Excellent research on Racine Station. I am 15+ year Chicago Architecture Center docent. The mid-century CTA logo still appears facing west on El station at Wabash and Washington (or is it Randolph or Madison?). Are you aware of El station at Quincy and Wells restored to 1890’s look. It appeared in “Planes, Trains and Auto” movie. Steve Martin took an El from this station to his home on the North Shore (sic). Consider an article on Metro Correctional Center 1975 by Harry Weese at Jackson and Clark. Have you visited the new Chgo Arch Center at 111 East Michigan on south side of river across from the new Apple store. I will check into your other articles on Chgo Arch. My daughter Julie an old friend of your mother.
Hello Bruce, thank you very much for reading and I appreciate the kind words. The mid-century CTA logo you’re talking about adorned the west-facing facade of Randolph/Wabash, which has since been demolished and replaced by Washington/Wabash. The only ‘L’ station that I can think of that still has the mid-century logo is Ashland/63rd in West Englewood, which I’d like to profile in a future post. I’d also like to nominate it for Chicago Landmark status down the line. Harlem/Lake in Oak Park also has it, but I’m trying to stick to Chicago. Yes, I’m aware of Quincy, it’s beautiful and was recently designated a Chicago Landmark. I also remember that scene, there are so many good ones which involve our beloved ‘L’. Billy Crystal and Gregory Hines driving their car on it in Running Scared comes to mind, as does Chance the Rapper’s recent music video ‘Angels’. Thank you for the recommendation, I think Harry Weese is my favorite Chicago architect. His Time-Life Building at the northeast corner of Fairbanks & Grand is my favorite building in the city and I recently purchased a book about his works. I’m yet to visit the brand new Chicago Architecture Center, but I hope to do so soon. This is the first article I’ve written about Chicago architecture, but I hope to do more and there are plenty of great articles on here. In regards to your daughter and my mother, it’s a small world!
What a great story, just came across your website after seeing it mentioned in the Trib! Several years back the Illinois Railway Museum in Union commemorated Chicago’s West Side Subway which coincided with the abandonment of streetcars in 1958 with a replica billboard, send me an email and I will send a photo!