South Side Masonic Temple


South Side Masonic Temple

South Side Masonic Temple at 64th and Green, read more at Landmarks Illinois.

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12 responses to “South Side Masonic Temple”

  1. Andi Marie says:

    The Mason’s mark are still visible.

  2. Robert Cunningham says:

    I would have love to see what South Side Masonic Temple was in its prime in the 1920’s, 1930’s and 1940’s. How many Blue lodges, Royal Arch chapters, Councils and Commanderies as well as Eastern Star chapters met here? I have to believe from September thru June there was activity every night of the week with the exception of Sunday. Just a tour of this beautiful structure during its prime before it was abandoned would have been a great experience. I hope the efforts to save it are successful!

    • Eugene Stepney says:

      It has broken my heart today to see Our Lodge torn down! Thanks A Lot Raum Emaual for Not Preserving This Lodge In Englewood that was built in 1921!!! You Won’t Get My Vote. Brother Eugene Stepney111

  3. Robert Cunningham says:

    You have to wonder what happened to all the Masonic organizations that met in this beautiful temple when the building was abandoned?

  4. Robert Cunningham says:

    One final note. I wonder if there is anyone living that used to attend meetings at this beautiful structure who would be willing to share some memories of this once beautiful and active Masonic Temple? Memories such as lodge meeting rooms, the auditorium, dinning halls, etc. As a 49 year Mason from Ohio and also now Arizona I am fascinated by former Masonic lodge halls. In my 49 year Masonic Membership I have witnessed on Cleveland’s east side where I grew up the closing and or destruction of 8 Masonic Lodge halls. Thank you.

  5. Eric says:

    Does anyone know about what lodges met in this Temple? Also when was it abandoned?

  6. I want the abandoned lodges to make them flourish again.I have no idea why these lodges closed but to be an organization that is to make gooden better what the problem is.

  7. Bryan mcpherson says:

    Il find out hopefully tomorrow. I emailed the grand lodge today

  8. Bro. Bryan McPherson Sr. Riverside Lodge 862 A.F.A.M Illinois says:

    The south side masonic temple was built in 1921 and housed several Ancient free and excepted Masonic lodges. These were not Prince Hall Brothes and included Mispah lodge, Boulevard lodge, University lodge (2 years) Kosmos lodge, Richard Cole lodge, Cyrene lodge Wildeck lodge, Southtown lodge.Several appending masonic bodies met there including Mizpah Cammandry. The building was let go of in 1964 by the fraternity but was still used untill the 1980’s

  9. Lois E Carlson says:

    What I remember of Boulevard Lodge (#887?) and the temple at 64th and Green is from my childhood when my father was “going thru the line” and his installation as Master. The temple was awesome – it felt rich in tradition and standards of conduct. Boulevard Lodge in the 50s met on Friday nights. My dad conducted many Masonic funeral services in his time. I loved the Christmas parties for the children and still have some of the “artifacts” of those gatherings. I shall always maintain a great respect for the Masonic organizations and wonder why the disinterest in such an ethical fraternal organization. I still always donate to the Illinois Masonic Hospital and of course the Shriners Childrens Hospitals. What wonderful work the Masons have done – without ever lifting a square and a compass – it’s all in the hearts of these wonderful men.

  10. Wor Bro Rev Robert A. Cunningham says:

    Thank you Lois Bro Bryan for sharing your remembrances of the lodges that met at South Side Masonic Temple. I too remember the Christmas Parties and the events that took place at the building that was a Masonic Temple in the late 1940’s and 1950’s. When South Side Masonic Temple as well as the Glenville Masonic Temple in Cleveland were built, Masonry was at it’s prime which. Membership flourished from the early 1900’s to the late 1960’s. Back when the growth started men were starting to have more free time since they didn’t have the work the long hours that they were required to on their jobs. So they had some free time and with no television, radio, or Internet and limited school activities for their children they had the time to join organizations such as the Masonic Order, Moose Lodge, Odd Fellows and other fraternal organizations. Also fostering this growth was both World War I and World War II where much bonding took place with veterans who served in the war. However with the advent of radio and more importantly television in the 1950’s men had reasons to stay home. Plus schools started having program after school hours that would bring families together. I can remember my father saying that in the early 1950’s that attendance dropped on Friday nights which is when Glenville met because of the televised, “Friday Night Fights”. With that the regeneration of the lodges where sons followed their fathers and grandfathers in becoming Masons stopped because of all the other outside activities taking place. In addition, Glenville like Englewood went through a change in racial mix that caused many of the white people to leave the area thus dropping attendance and membership. Back then, Prince Hall Masons and other Black Masonic organizations were not recognized by the white Masons. Now that has changed in the last few years. Also with the decline in membership South Side Masonic Temple relied on the membership of all the bodies that met there to pay for upkeep of the temple With the decline in attendance the cost per member increased dramatically to the point that it was no longer feasible to keep the temple operating unless they had other sources of income. In the case of Glenville, they did have tenants help defray the cost of their building, but the neighborhood mix change resulted in Glenville sold to a Black Masonic organization which I understand had trouble operating the building tearing it down like South Side Temple. But it was the sons and grandsons of original members that caused much of the decline because they did not have the interests that their fathers and grandfathers had. There is no question that the Masonic Order is a great fraternity and does many wonderful things for society even in today’s world. Thank you again for posting your comments.

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